
A collection of brief essays on my Olympic-related research can be found at the specialist magazine Culture @ the Olympics.


Other specialist publications

Garcia, B. (2016) ‘On the need for both ‘black’ and ‘white’ narratives around mega-event impacts’, Institute of Cultural Capital Blog

Garcia, B. (2016) ‘Why art needs to retake the Olympic stage’, The Conversation, 

Garcia, B. (2016) ‘The Cultural Legacy is as Important as the Physical’, Aberje 

Garcia, B. (2016) ‘The Olympic Games’ varied layers of Cultural Programming’, Research Beyond Borders, 

Garcia, B. (2016) ‘What counts as #OlympicArt during the Rio 2016 Olympic Games?, Culture @ the Olympics, 

Garcia, B. (2016) ‘Sites for culture and art in the Olympic city’, Culture @ the Olympics, 

Garcia, B. (2016) ‘Olympic Artists in Residence, Culture @ the Olympics, 

Garcia, B. (2016) ‘Think broccoli? Think again: the extraordinary work of Burle Marx, Culture @ the Olympics, 

Garcia, B. (2016) ‘Don’t believe the doom mongers – the Olympics have changed Rio for the better’, The Conversation, 

Garcia, B. (2014) The Olympic Games Cultural Narrative:  Ceremonies, Cultural Olympiads and Look of the Games as platforms to project the host city and nation”, Russian International Olympic University Herald, 2014(1), pp. 112-120.

Garcia, B. (2012) ‘Stricking a cord‘, in: Olympic Review, issue 83, June, pp. 63-66.

Garcia, B. (2008) ‘Beijing cultural festivals… bigger but not always better, in: Beijing 2008 – Academic Views of the Event, Barcelona: Centre for Olympic Studies.

Garcia, B. (2008) ‘Culture-led regeneration can not resolve structural problems on its own’, Urban Views – EUKN Interviews 2007-2008, European Urban Knowledge Network & Nicis Institute, The Hague, September: 15-17.

Garcia, B. (2008) ‘Impacts 08 – The Liverpool Model. Understanding the impact of culture-led regeneration in Liverpool, 2008 European Capital of Culture’, Journal of the British Urban Regeneration Association, November.

Garcia, B. (2006) ‘Cultural Policy in European Cities’, in: Shrinking Cities: Complete Works 2 (pp. 35-47)

Garcia, B. (2006) ‘Impacts 08 – The Liverpool Model. Understanding the effect of cultural regeneration in the lead to Liverpool 2008 – European Capital of Culture’ in: 8 Days a Week (n1)

Garcia, B. and Miah, A. (2006) ‘Ever decreasing circles. The profile of culture at the Olympics’ in: Locum Destination Review (n 18) (pp. 60- 63)

García, B. (2005) ‘Taking part. Participating in the London Games through sport, arts and education’ in: MailOut. The national magazine for developing participation in the arts (n October/November) (p. 12)

García, B. (2004) “More than a Game. The Value of Olympic arts programming to increase local participation” in: MailOut. The National Magazine for developing participation in the arts. (August/September 2004) (pp. 9-10)

García, B. (2004) “La Dimension Cultural de Macro-Eventos en el 2004. Potenciales y Limitaciones para una Experiencia Sostenible in: Portal Iberoamericano de Gestion Cultural (Eds) Boletin Gestion Cultural (n 6)

García, B. (2003) “Glasgow Lessons can help Liverpool” in: Regeneration & Renewal (4 Jul) (p. 14)

García, B. (2002) “City Fathers Win Medal for Style but last Place in Social Events” in: The Times Higher Education Supplement (11 Oct) (pp. 22-23)

Miah, A. & García, B. (2002) “The Truth about Olympic Truce: Rights, Responsibilities and the Impossibility of Being Global and Apolitical” in: Human Rights Tribune (vol 9, n 1)

Miah, A. & García, B. (2002) “The Olympic Games should happen nowhere or everywhere” in: Spark-Online (issue 31)

García, B. & Miah, A. (2002) “The Olympics is not a sporting event! Arts and culture in the 2002 Winter Olympics” in: Gauntlett, D. (Ed.) Some things about art in cities. A new web project from and

García, B/ (2001) “The Concept of Olympic cultural programmes: origins, evolution and projection” in: Fundamental Lessons in Olympism, Barcelona: Centre for Olympic Studies, UAB

García, B. & Miah, A. (2000) “Olympic ideals and Disney dreams: Opportunities and constraints for cultural representation during Sydney’s Opening Ceremony” in: Human Kinetics: Social Science and Sports News

García, B. (2000) “Olympic Arts Festivals and the Visual Arts”, in: National Association for the Visual Arts Newsletter, September 2000 (pp. 4-5)

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