Book Chapters

(Last updated: 2017; Check my Academia pages for access to publications)

  • Garcia, B. (2017) “The Cultural Policy of Global Events” in: Miller, T. O;Brien, D. and Durrer, V. Routledge Companion to Global Cultural Policy . London, Routledge (pp. 365-381)
  • Garcia, B. (2016) “Cultural Olympiads” in: Gold, J.R. & Gold, M.M. (Eds) Olympic Cities: Urban planning, city agendas and the World’s Games, 1896 to the present London: Routledge (pp. 90-113)
  • Garcia, B. (2015) ‘‘Placing culture at the heart of the Games. Achievements and challenges within the London 2012 Cultural Olympiad’, in: The London Olympics and Urban Development: The Mega-Event City (Routledge) (pp. 255-270)
  • Garcia, B. (2015) ‘Que es una capital de la cultura?‘ [What is a culture capital?]  in: Ajuntament of Terrassa (Eds) El Llibre Blanc de la Cultura a Terrassa, [The White Book of Culture in Terrassa] pp. 26-36
  • Garcia, B. (2012) ‘The Cultural Olympiad’, in: Girginov, V. (ed) Bidding, Delivering and Engaging with the Olympics. London: Routledge (pp. 199-214)
  • Garcia, B. (2011) ‘The Cultural Dimension of Olympic Games: Ceremonies and Cultural Olympiads as Platforms for Sustainable Cultural Policy’, in: Fernández Peña, E. [et al.] (eds.): An Olympic Mosaic: Multidisciplinary Research and Dissemination of Olympic Studies: CEO-UAB, 20 years. Barcelona : Centre d’Estudis Olímpics, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Ajuntament de Barcelona, (pp. 153-164)
  • Garcia, B. (2011) ‘Impacts 08 – The Liverpool Model. A framework for impact research in Liverpool, 2008 European Capital of Culture’ in: Taormina, A. (Ed). Osservare la cultura. Milan: Edizioni Franco Angeli.
  • Garcia, B. (2010) ‘Sydney 2000’, in: Gold, J.R. & Gold, M.M. (Eds) Olympic Cities: Urban planning, city agendas and the World’s Games, 1896 to the present (2nd Edition), London: Routledge.
  • Garcia, B. (2009) ‘The cultural dimension of the Olympic Games. Ceremonies and Cultural Olympiads as platforms for sustainable cultural policy’. In: Moragas, M. & Cerezuela, B. (Eds) Barcelona 1992 and Olympic Studies: Twenty years of Legacy. Bellaterra: Centre d’Estudis Olímpics (CEO-UAB).
  • Miah, A. Garcia, B. and Zhihui, Tian (2008) ‘We Are The Media. Non-Accredited Media & Citizen Journalists at the Olympic Games’ in: Dayan, D. and Price, M. (Eds) (2008) Owning the Olympics: Narratives of the New China, University of Michigan Press (pp. 320-345)
  • Garcia, B. (2007) ‘Living the multicultural Olympic city. Cultural policy and planning in the Sydney 2000 Summer Olympic Games’, in: Gold, J.R. & Gold, M.M. (Eds) Olympic Cities: Urban planning, city agendas and the World’s Games, 1896 to the present. Routledge (pp. 237-264)
  • García, B. (2004) “Reinventando Glasgow como Ciudad Europea de la Cultura. Impactos en turismo cultural (1986-2000)” in Font, J. (Ed.) Casos de turismo cultural: de la planificación estratégica a la evaluación de productos. Barcelona: Editorial Ariel (pp. 31-56) [publisher’s info] [indice en español]
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