Linking memory, knowlege & communication in Rio 2016

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On my way to Sao Paulo to share insights regarging the most powerful cultural legacies of previous Olympic and Paralympic Games.

I will present a keynote at the Fórum permanente de gestão do conhecimento, comunicação e memóriaa Forum dedicated to discussing the connections between knowledge, communication and memory in order to explore how stories can transform businesses and entrepreneurship.

I will focus on recent Olympic and Paralympic experiences as well as highlight best all-time exemplars of meaningful Games narrative and story telling that can transform the ways places are imagined and experienced.

I will discuss challenges as well as opportunities for diverse communities to shape Olympic narratives and be empowered both during and in the event’s aftermath. In particular, I will note the importance of the Olympic Games cultural programme (the Cultural Olympiad), as a platform to contextualise the sporting competitions and tell unique stories about each Games host.



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