
Pic above| Talking to the BBC Breakfast Show on the 10 year legacies of Liverpool as European Capital of Culture

Find below links to a small selection of programmes I have featured in over the years. More videos available via YouTube.

France 24 (2020)

Culture Fighter (2011)

Multiple interviews about the European Capital of Culture from Glasgow 1990 to Liverpool 2008

European Parliament Television (2009)

Olympic Studies Centre, Autonomous University of Barcelona (2009, October)

  • Interview about the artistic and cultural dimensions of the Olympic Games 

BBC World Service (20 July 2008)

  • within the programme “The World Today” discussing approaches to understanding the cultural impact of Liverpool European Capital of Culture

BBC Radio Four (19 July 2008)

  • within programme “Liverpool Sinner and Saint”

European Urban Knowledge Network (July 2007)

The Stage (29 Mar 2007)

‘Funds and Games’ (by Duncan Turner, pp. 6-8)

The Guardian, Education (29 Mar 2006)

‘Limbering up for the Olympics: Universities are already planning their strategy to make the most of the 2012 games in London’ (by Stephen Hoare, p. 12)

BBC Radio 3 (12 July 2005)
within the programme “Night Waves“, dicussing the potential legacy of a cultural programme for the London 2012 Olympic Games with presenter Susan Hitch and guest Jude Kelly.

Evening Times (Glasgow) (7 July 2005)
“Glasgow can win at Olympics” (by David Leask, p. 8)

The Sunday Herald (28 February 2005)
“Glasgow squandered benefits of being City of Culture” (by Senay Botzas, p. 6)

BBC Radio Wales (23 November 2004)
within the programme “Wales@Work”, discussing the future economic and cultural impact of the Wales Millennium Centre. Other guests were Peter Tyndall, Chief Exec, Arts Council of Wales and Robert Noble, Cameron Mackintosh productions, with presenter Sarah Dickins.

The Scotsman (8 September 2004)
“Put peace at centre of London Olympic bid, Scots demand” (by James Doherty, p. 28)

Press & Journal (8 September 2004)
“Academic study could help bring Olympic Games to London” (by Jennifer Hill, p. 9)

The Herald (8 September 2004)
“Academics help London’s bid for 2012 Olympics” (p. 8)

Courier (8 September 2004)
“Bid to raise profile of Olympic Truce” (p. 10)

Paisley Daily Express (26 August 2004)
“Uni doc bids to bring Olympics to UK” (by Gavin Pennie)

Paisley Extra (26 August 2004)
“A positive Olympic image” (by Lesley Brown)

The Sunday Herald (4 April 2004)
“The empire strikes back” (by Leon McDermott, p. 6)

Deutsche Welle (13-15 March 2004)
within the programme “Arts 21”: discussion on lessons
from Glasgow 1990 to Lille, European Capital of Culture 2002

BBC Radio Meyerside (11 March 2004)
within the programme “Morning News”: discussion on
the long term legacy of Glasgow 1990 and lessons for Liverpool 2008

The Herald (24 January 2004)
“Myths of the city of culture success” (by Phil Miller)

BBC Radio Four (23 July 2003)
within the programme “You and Yours”: discussion on the impact of the Manchester 2002 Commonwealth Games on social regeneration in the city

BBC Radio Four (25 June 2003)
within the programme “Thinking Allowed” presented by Laurie Taylor: discussion on the long-term legacies of Glasgow 1990
and lessons for Liverpool 2008

BBC Radio Five Live (4 June 2003)
Commentary on the announcement of Liverpool European Capital of Culture 2008

BBC Radio Scotland (4 June 2003)
Commentary on the announcement of Liverpool European Capital of Culture 2008

The Guardian (2 June 2003)
“Can Culture Save Us” (by Andy Beckett)

BBC Radio Scotland (2002)
On the benefits for Scotland to host the Euro2008 Football Cup

The Australian (15 September 2000)
“Cultural Cringe” (by Jennifer Sexton)

The Sydney Morning Herald (14 September 2000)
“Nation of arts heroes goes quietly into battle” (by Kelly Burke)

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