Why festivals & special events matter now more than ever
Article written for the Arts and Humanities Research Council After a year of on-and-off global lockdowns the need to gather […]
Article written for the Arts and Humanities Research Council After a year of on-and-off global lockdowns the need to gather […]
Final report of the Salzburg Global Seminar I co-curated in 2020, asking the question ‘What future for Festivals?’ The seminar
Find below highlights from our 10 year anniversary symposium, launching Impacts 08 ~ 18 | #Impacts18, the major research programme I
Culture Liverpool and the Institute of Cultural Capital have partnered with the British Council, and the CreArt European Network to
Commissioned by the British Council, this project explores the relationship between the British Council and the UK City of Culture (UKCC)
I have been appointed by the British Council to direct a research project on the impact that the Shakespeare Lives programme
I have interrogated cities and event-led cultural policy-making since 1999. I started by revisiting the cultural legacy of the Barcelona
On the 23rd September I am speaking at Sharing Cultures 2015 – the Fourth International Conference on Intangible Heritage. My paper discusses findings
I have spent a day in Hull, discussing regeneration opportunities, the challenges of event-driven urban strategies and the many ways
The Royal Society of Arts has invited me to speak at their 2015 Engage Series: RSA Connect: Hull, 14 July
2011, Jan 28-29, Birkbeck University, London Conference: LEARNING FROM BARCELONA: ART, REAL ESTATE AND THE PRE-OLYMPIC CITY This two-day workshop
Full reference: Bergsgard, N.A., Jøsendal, K. & Garcia, B. (2010) ‘A cultural mega event’s impact on innovative capabilities in art
Claudio Bocci, Director of Institutional Relations at Federculture and Ravello LAB committee member, has built on the evidence provided by
Published in: International Journal for Cultural Policy (vol 10, n 1) (pp. 103-118) The potential of arts activity as a
Paper presented in: 3rd International Conference on Cultural Policy Research, HEC Montreal (25-28 August, 2004) [powerpoint slides] 1990 – and
Garcia, B. (2004) “Communicating Diversity through Major Events. The case of Cultureshock, North West Cultural Programme of the Manchester 2002
Research commissioned by the main partners of Cultureshock, including the Arts Council of England and the Foreign & Commonwealth Office.